Legal notice
Foodsped s.r.o
Haštalská 1072/6
110 00 Prag 1 - Staré Město, Czech Republic
tel: +420 602 311 847
Company register number: FN 307278 f
Company identification number: 09891919
Bank details
IBAN:CZ17 8040 0000 0020 2123 3478
IBAN: CZ89 8040 0000 0020 2123 3443
Concept, Design, Programming, Search engine optimisation
mindpark advertising GmbH
tel. +43 5412 21288
Image rights
Foodsped s.r.o
„Information on online dispute resolution“ pursuant to art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VR
The EU Commission offers the possibility of online dispute resolution on a platform operated by it (so-called "OS platform"). The OS platform can serve as a point of contact for out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online sales contracts or service contracts. This platform can be reached via the external link
Legal remedies
The exploitation- or duplication of information and data (e.g. drawings, illustrations and texts) is to require the express prior written permission and/or agreement of the publisher. The information and the indications on our website were carefully verified and researched. These however only represent a service and do not replace a personal advisory. The publisher can adopt no liability for current accuracy, correctness and completeness. In all other respects, any liability of the publisher is restricted to premeditation and gross negligence. All rights expressly reserved by the publisher for making any alterations and supplementations to the already published information.
Notice on liabilities
Despite very careful control of the content of the website, we cannot adopt any liability for the content of the external links. The operators of any linked- websites and pages are solely responsible for these and not ourselves.
Data protection
Information on data protection can be found in our privacy policy.